Break the Bias: Proudly Asian Podcast Revealing Asian Stories

Proudly Asian透過引人入勝的播客系列,探索生活的多個方面,其中的節目涵蓋了來自香港的企業家和倡導者的故事。在本文中,我們重點介紹了四個富有見解的節目,觸及了亞洲背景下的心理健康、職業轉變、種族主義、可持續生活和身體形象等議題,提供了對亞洲情境下的健康和賦權的全面觀點。
Proudly Asian 最近的幾集節目展示了Gianne Chan、Abigail Chin、Carla Martinesi和Steph Ng的鼓舞人心的故事,涵蓋了心理健康、職業轉變、種族主義、可持續性和身體形象等主題。播客節目致力於包容性和真實性,為全面的健康和財務賦能的持續對話做出了貢獻。通過涵蓋各種主題和多樣的聲音,挑戰刻板印象,慶祝多樣性,並促進積極變革。
Proudly Asian continues to explore diverse facets of life through its engaging podcast series, with episodes featuring stories from Hong Kong-based entrepreneurs and advocates. In this article, we highlight four insightful episodes that touch on mental health, career transitions, racism, sustainable living, and body image, offering a comprehensive view of wellness and empowerment in the Asian context.
Proudly Asian's recent episodes feature inspiring narratives from Gianne Chan, Abigail Chin, Carla Martinesi, and Steph Ng, covering topics such as mental health, career transitions, racism, sustainability, and body image. The podcast's commitment to inclusivity and authenticity shines through, contributing to ongoing dialogues on holistic well-being and financial empowerment. Proudly Asian serves as a powerful platform, challenging stereotypes, celebrating diversity, and promoting positive change by embracing a wide array of topics and diverse voices.
Source: Proudly Asian
第32集:在混亂中尋找平靜(嘉賓:Gianne Chan)
Proudly Asian邀請到了Gianne Chan,一位在香港創業的企業家,她面臨著包括抑鬱症在內的心理健康問題所帶來的艱難挑戰。Gianne在高中時期的個人困境為她的創業之路鋪平了道路,最終建立了Calmed & Co。作為香港供應CBD產品的先驅之一,Gianne分享了她在應對香港最近宣布的CBD禁令方面的經驗。儘管遇到了這個挫折,她討論了她的企業正在進行的創新轉型,成為香港第一個生產可穿戴維生素貼片的品牌。
In this compelling episode, Proudly Asian welcomes Gianne Chan, a Hong Kong entrepreneur who faced the daunting challenges of mental health issues, including depression. Gianne's personal struggles during high school paved the way for her entrepreneurial journey, leading to the establishment of Calmed & Co. As one of the pioneers in supplying CBD products in Hong Kong, Gianne shares her experience navigating the city's recently announced CBD ban. Despite this setback, she discusses the innovative pivot her business is making to become the first brand in Hong Kong producing wearable vitamin patches.
Gianne takes listeners through her personal mental health journey and emphasizes the importance of affordable wellness solutions. Her commitment to enhancing both physical and mental health is evident as she shares insights into her mission of providing accessible options for those seeking holistic well-being. This episode provides a beacon of hope for individuals facing mental health challenges, showcasing the resilience and determination required to overcome adversity.
Source: Proudly Asian
第38集:對抗有害的亞洲身體形象和節食文化(嘉賓:Steph Ng):
《驕傲亞洲人》在第38集中探討了亞洲文化中有害的身體形象問題。Body Banter的創始人Steph Ng加入了節目,深入探討了不切實際的身體期望和亞洲社會中肥胖羞辱的挑戰。該集節目闡明了社會價值觀和實踐對有害身體形象的傷害影響,延續了不健康的美麗標準。
Steph Ng分享了她拆除這些有害規範的見解,並提供實用的建議,使個人能夠開放地討論身體形象和心理健康。通過挑戰現狀,《驕傲亞洲人》和Steph Ng旨在創造一個人們可以根據自己的標準重新定義美麗的空間,摆脱判斷和社會壓力。
Proudly Asian tackles the sensitive issue of toxic body image in Asian cultures in Episode 38. Steph Ng, the founder of Body Banter, joins the podcast to delve into the challenges posed by unrealistic body expectations and the prevalence of fat shaming in Asian societies. The episode sheds light on the harmful impact of societal values and practices that contribute to a toxic body image, perpetuating unhealthy standards of beauty.
Steph Ng shares her insights on dismantling these harmful norms and offers practical tips on empowering individuals to engage in open conversations about body image and mental health. By challenging the status quo, Proudly Asian and Steph Ng aim to create a space where people can redefine beauty on their own terms, free from judgment and societal pressures.
Source: Proudly Asian
第47集:歐洲的種族主義和反對食物浪費(嘉賓:Carla Martinesi):
在2023年國際婦女節特輯中,《驕傲亞洲人》帶來了Carla Martinesi的啟發人生旅程,她是總部設在香港的食物節約應用程式Chomp的瑞士華人聯合創始人。Carla坦率講述了她在歐洲長大的華人身份所面臨的挑戰,並闡明這些經歷如何激發她對亞洲可持續生活的承諾。
In the International Women's Day 2023 Special, Proudly Asian brings forth the inspiring journey of Carla Martinesi, the Swiss-Chinese co-founder of the food-saving app Chomp, based in Hong Kong. Carla opens up about her experiences growing up half-Chinese in Europe, shedding light on the challenges she faced and how those experiences fueled her commitment to sustainable living in Asia.
Carla discusses her role in combating food waste through Chomp and shares insights into the progress being made in the region. The episode serves as a testament to the importance of diverse perspectives and the impact individuals can make in fostering positive change. Carla's story is a celebration of resilience, cultural diversity, and the power of entrepreneurship in addressing critical global issues.
Source: Proudly Asian
第76集:何時辭職及如何辭職?(嘉賓:Abigail Chin)
Proudly Asian Money Smart系列呈獻的第76集,邀請到了香港的內容創作者Abigail Chin。在這一集中,Abbie分享了她辭去作為企業室內設計師的夢想工作,轉行從事自由職業的職業轉變的故事。這一集探討了何時是辭去9-5工作的合適時機的關鍵問題,提供了有關過渡到自由職業生涯的財務方面的寶貴見解。
Abigail Chin提供了實用的建議,闡述了如何應對職業轉變的不確定性,強調了財務準備的重要性。聽眾可以第一手了解Abbie的旅程,了解她如何將自己的熱情轉化為成功的自由職業生涯。這一集為思考類Proudly Asian Podcast持續透過引人入勝嘅播客系列,探索各種生活面向嘅多元性,其中有香港企業家同倡導者嘅故事。喺呢篇文章度,我哋會重點介紹四個富有洞察力嘅集數,涉及心理健康、職業轉變、種族主義、可持續生活同身體形象等主題,為亞洲背景下嘅健康同賦權提供全面嘅觀點。
Proudly Asian Money Smart Series presents Episode 76, featuring Hong Kong-based content creator Abigail Chin. In this installment, Abbie shares her story of making a significant career switch by resigning from her dream job as a corporate interior designer. The episode explores the pivotal question of when it's the right time to quit a 9-5 job, offering valuable insights into the financial aspects of transitioning to a freelancing career.
Abigail Chin provides practical advice on navigating the uncertainties of a career change, emphasizing the importance of financial preparedness. Listeners gain a firsthand account of Abbie's journey, learning how she turned her passion into a successful freelancing career. The episode serves as a guide for individuals contemplating a similar move, offering a roadmap to financial stability and fulfillment beyond traditional employment.