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Writer's picture: LexemediaLexemedia

Updated: Feb 16, 2024

Exploring Diverse Perspectives with Hong Kong's 100PeoplePodcast

香港的100種人、100種職業 Podcast:探索多元化觀點的鼓舞人心之旅

Exploring Diverse Perspectives with Hong Kong's 100PeoplePodcast


由Candy主持的 100種人、100種職業 Podcast,通過深入訪談不同行業的人士,以及探索他們在香港這個多元社會中的觀點和經驗,為我們打開了一扇窗,讓我們進一步認識這個城市的多樣性。

This month, we shine a spotlight on the captivating 🎙100PeoplePodcast hosted by Candy. This thoughtfully curated podcast takes us on a journey through the experiences of individuals from various industries, offering insights into Hong Kong's diverse perspectives. The selected episodes are filled with inspiring stories that are sure to uplift and motivate listeners.


Among the standout recommendations ✨ are interviews with Vivek Mahbubani (@funnyvivek), a renowned comedian; Tunes Ting (@tunestty), awarded as Hong Kong's Best Actress in stage plays; Lama (@jypohk), an advocate for the slow living movement in Hong Kong; and Jane Kong (@janekongmagic), a well-known magician. The podcast is dedicated to showcasing authentic stories and advocating personal growth. 🎧

首先是著名喜劇演員Vivek Mahbubani。作為一位幽默風趣的演員,Vivek以他獨特的喜劇風格在香港和國際上贏得了廣大的聽眾。透過節目,我們可以聆聽他分享他的職業生涯起伏和成功的故事,並從中獲得鼓舞。

Vivek Mahbubani, a celebrated comedian, is one of the featured guests. With his unique comedic style, Vivek has gained a wide audience in Hong Kong and internationally. Through the podcast, we have the opportunity to hear him share his career ups and downs, offering inspiration along the way.

另一位嘉賓是香港舞台劇最佳女演員Tunes Ting。她在香港的舞台劇界有著卓越的表現,並且通過自己的努力和才華取得了巨大的成就。節目中,我們可以聽到她分享關於她在這個競爭激烈的行業中的奮鬥和成功的故事,這將激勵我們追求自己的夢想。

Another guest, Tunes Ting, shines as the Best Actress in Hong Kong's theater scene. She has achieved remarkable success through her talent and hard work. In the episodes, she shares her struggles and triumphs in this competitive industry, inspiring us to pursue our own dreams.

最後,我們還有一位著名的魔術師Jane Kong。她的魔術技巧令人驚嘆,並且在香港和國際上贏得了廣泛的讚譽。在節目中,我們將有機會了解她在魔術界的起源和成長,並探索她背後的努力和奉獻。

Lastly, we have Jane Kong, a renowned magician whose awe-inspiring tricks have garnered immense praise in Hong Kong and internationally. In the episodes, we get a chance to learn about her journey and growth in the world of magic, exploring the effort and dedication behind her success.


The podcast's mission goes beyond showcasing the stories of these guests; it also advocates for personal growth and the pursuit of dreams. By listening to these authentic stories, we can find inspiration and apply it to our own lives. Regardless of our dreams, these stories remind us that with persistence and overcoming challenges, we can achieve our goals.

對於那些對聆聽這些精彩故事感興趣的人來說,100種人、100種職業 Podcast 提供了一個理想的平台。這個節目不僅僅是一個娛樂工具,還是一個教育和啟發的資源。通過聆聽來自不同背景和行業的人們的聲音,我們可以擴大自己的視野,了解不同觀點,並在自己的生活中實現更大的成長。

For those interested in listening to these captivating stories, 100PeoplePodcast provides an ideal platform. The podcast serves not only as a source of entertainment but also as an educational and inspirational resource. By hearing voices from different backgrounds and industries, we broaden our horizons, understand diverse perspectives, and achieve personal growth in our own lives.

無論是想要追求藝術、表演、創業還是探索其他領域,100種人、100種職業 Podcast 都為我們提供了一個優秀的學習機會。這個節目不僅僅關注成功的故事,還關注每個嘉賓的成長過程和挑戰。這使我們能夠從他們的失敗和困難中學習,並在自己的道路上更加堅定和堅韌。

Whether aspiring to pursue art, performance, entrepreneurship, or exploration in other fields, 100PeoplePodcast offers an excellent learning opportunity. The program focuses not only on success stories but also on each guest's growth journey and challenges. This allows us to learn from their failures and hardships, making us more determined and resilient on our own paths.

100種人、100種職業 Podcast 的成功在於它的多元性和包容性。通過邀請來自不同行業和背景的嘉賓,節目展示了香港這個城市的多樣性和豐富性。無論你是一個年輕的學生、一個職業人士還是一個退休者,這個節目都將激發你的靈感,並提供寶貴的見解和建議。

The success of 100PeoplePodcast lies in its diversity and inclusivity. By inviting guests from various industries and backgrounds, the podcast showcases the richness and diversity of Hong Kong's cityscape. Whether you're a young student, a professional, or a retiree, the program will ignite your inspiration and provide valuable insights and advice.


In this era of connectivity, we are fortunate to be able to connect with individuals from different backgrounds and experiences through podcasts like 100PeoplePodcast. This connection goes beyond entertainment and media; it fosters a spiritual exchange and resonance. The podcast reminds us that despite coming from different societies and cultures, our dreams and aspirations are interconnected.


Therefore, we owe our gratitude to journalist Candy and the 100PeoplePodcast team for bringing us this remarkable program. Their efforts and dedication allow us to listen to these inspiring stories and draw strength and courage from them. No matter who you are or what your dreams may be, these stories will inspire you to pursue your goals and unlock your potential.


So, let's open our ears and listen to the stories and inspiration that 100PeoplePodcast brings us. Together, let's embark on a path of growth and success in this diverse city.



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