揭開神秘面紗:28位AI 機器人的IG個人檔案全曝光
Universe of Characters at Your Fingertips
The world of AI is evolving rapidly, moving beyond mere question-answering bots to create personalities, opinions, and engaging interactions. Meta, the tech giant, is at the forefront of this AI revolution. They've introduced not one but a cast of twenty-eight AI characters, each with their own unique backstory, designed to interact with users through WhatsApp, Messenger, and Instagram. Let's dive into the exciting world of these digital personas.
人工智慧的世界正在迅速演變,不僅僅是問答機器人,還能創造個性、意見和引人入勝的互動。科技巨頭Meta正處於這場AI革命的前沿。他們不僅引入了一個 AI 人物,而是一支由28個AI角色組成的隊伍,每個角色都有自己獨特的背景故事,旨在通過WhatsApp、Messenger和Instagram與用戶互動。現在就讓我們一起探索這些數字人物的精彩世界吧。
Source: Meta AI
Bringing Celebrities into the AI
At the Meta Connect 2023 conference, Meta made waves by announcing partnerships with celebrities and influencers to breathe life into AI-powered chatbots. These virtual personalities include Snoop Dogg, Charli D’Amelio, MrBeast, Kendall Jenner, Tom Brady, Chris Paul, Dwyane Wade, and Paris Hilton. These celebrities are set to have dedicated profiles on Instagram and Facebook, making them easily accessible to users.
在2023年的Meta Connect大會上,Meta宣布與名人和網紅合作,為AI聊天機器人注入生命。這些虛擬人物包括Snoop Dogg、Charli D’Amelio、MrBeast、Kendall Jenner、Tom Brady、Chris Paul、Dwyane Wade和Paris Hilton。這些名人將在Instagram和Facebook上擁有專屬的個人檔案,讓用戶可以輕鬆接觸到他們。

Source: Meta AI
New Era of Chatbots
Meta's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, emphasized that these AI chatbots are more than just information providers. They are designed to entertain and facilitate meaningful connections. Currently, these celebrity chatbots communicate via text, but plans are in place to introduce voice interactions, which are expected to roll out early next year.
Meta的CEO Mark Zuckerberg 強調,這些AI聊天機器人不僅僅是資訊提供者,它們還被設計成娛樂和促進有意義的連結。目前,這些名人聊天機器人只限通過文字進行溝通,但計劃中將引入語音互動,預計將在明年初推出。

Source: Meta AI
The Power of Meta AI
Meta AI的強大
Beyond celebrity chatbots, Meta's Meta AI is a significant player in this AI revolution. It serves as an advanced conversational assistant, available on WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram, and even on the Quest 3 headset and Ray-Ban Meta smart-glasses. Meta AI provides real-time information through a partnership with Microsoft's Bing and can generate stunning photorealistic images based on text prompts.
除了名人聊天機器人外,Meta的Meta AI在這場AI革命中扮演著重要角色。它是一個先進的對話助手,可在WhatsApp、Messenger、Instagram,甚至Quest 3頭戴式設備和Ray-Ban Meta智能眼鏡上使用。通過與微軟必應的合作,Meta AI可提供即時信息,並能根據文字提示生成令人驚艷的照片級真實圖像。
Rollout and Future Plans
The beta launch of these celebrity AIs has commenced in the United States, with plans to introduce more characters portrayed by Bear Grylls, Chloe Kim, Josh Richards, and others in the coming weeks. Additionally, Meta intends to make AI chatbots accessible to businesses and creators and is set to release an AI studio tool, empowering individuals to craft their personalized AI entities.
這些名人AI的測試版已在美國開始,未來幾周還將引入更多的角色,包括Bear Grylls、Chloe Kim、Josh Richards等。此外,Meta計劃使AI聊天機器人面向企業和創作者,並計劃推出AI studio tool,每個人能夠打造自己的個性化AI實體。
A New Frontier in AI Interaction
Meta's innovative approach to blending technology and entertainment has opened up a new frontier in AI interaction. With your favorite celebrities and influencers becoming your virtual companions, the future holds exciting possibilities for more engaging, entertaining, and personalized AI experiences.
Celebrity AI Roster
Let's meet some of these celebrity AI personalities and their unique characters:
Charli D’Amelio as Coco, the dance enthusiast.
Chris Paul as Perry, the pro golfer helping users perfect their golfing skills.
Dwyane Wade as Victor, the Ironman triathlete motivating users to be their best selves.
Izzy Adesanya as Luiz, the showy MMA prospect who can back up his trash talk.
Kendall Jenner as Billie, the no-nonsense, ride-or-die companion.
LaurDIY as Dylan, the quirky DIY and Craft expert catering to Gen Z.
MrBeast as Zach, the caring big brother who isn't afraid to roast you.
Naomi Osaka as Tamika, the anime-obsessed Sailor Senshi in training.
Paris Hilton as Amber, the detective partner specializing in solving mysteries.
Raven Ross as Angie, the workout-class queen who finds the balance between fitness and meditation.
Roy Choi as Max, the seasoned sous chef offering culinary tips and tricks.
Sam Kerr as Sally, the free-spirited friend encouraging taking deep breaths.
Snoop Dogg as Dungeon Master, offering choose-your-own-adventure experiences.
Tom Brady as Bru, the witty sports debater who pulls no punches.
Charli D’Amelio 扮演 Coco,舞蹈愛好者。
Chris Paul 扮演 Perry,幫助用戶完善高爾夫球技能的職業高爾夫球手。
Dwyane Wade 扮演 Victor,鐵人三項運動員,激勵用戶成為最好的自己。
Izzy Adesanya 扮演 Luiz,炫耀的混合武術前途,言行一致。
Kendall Jenner 扮演 Billie,毫不客氣、敢作敢當的伴侶。
LaurDIY 扮演 Dylan,獨特的DIY和手工藝專家,迎合Z世代的需求。
MrBeast 扮演 Zach,關心人的大哥,不怕嘲笑你。
Naomi Osaka 扮演 Tamika,迷戀動漫的正在學習成為水手戰士。
Paris Hilton 扮演 Amber,擅長解決謎團的偵探搭檔。
Raven Ross 扮演 Angie,運動課堂女王,尋找健身和冥想之間的平衡。
Roy Choi 扮演 Max,經驗豐富的副廚,提供烹飪技巧和訣竅。
Sam Kerr 扮演 Sally,自由奔放的朋友,鼓勵深呼吸。
Snoop Dogg 扮演Dungeon Master,提供選擇自己冒險的體驗。
Tom Brady 扮演 Bru,機智的體育辯論者,毫不留情地表達意見。