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L’OCCITANE HOTEL沉浸式體驗館亞洲巡迴 — 香港站 夢幻南法之旅 探索可持續發展的自然之美

Writer's picture: LexemediaLexemedia

Updated: Nov 14, 2023

「L'OCCITANE」這個法國品牌以其高級、可持續的健康美容產品而聞名。最新的L'OCCITANE HOTEL pop-up,展示了一個從普羅旺斯到香港的夢幻的南法之旅。這身臨其境的體驗承諾為參觀者提供了一次真正探索自然奇觀,和深入品牌對可持續美容承諾的體驗。從11月10到26日,這個迷人的pop-up將在金鐘的太古廣場獨家呈現,這是繼在首爾、新加坡和吉隆坡之後的又一個重大活動。


L'OCCITANE, the revered French brand known for its premium sustainable beauty and wellness products, unveils a captivating journey from Provence to Hong Kong through its latest venture, the L'OCCITANE HOTEL pop-up. This immersive experience promises a truly magical encounter, inviting visitors to explore the wonders of nature and indulge in the brand's commitment to sustainable beauty. From November 10th to 26th, Pacific Place in Admiralty became the exclusive host of this enchanting pop-up, following its remarkable success in Seoul, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur.

Source: L'Occitane Hotel


L'OCCITANE集團早前正式獲得 B Corporation™(共益企業) 的認證。在環保減廢、尊重生物多樣性等各方面表現備受認同,香港站亦將以“Sustainable & Natural Beauty” 可持續發展的自然之美為主題,如減少廢物、尊重生物多樣性等,宣揚環保的訊息。

Pioneering Sustainability

At the heart of this venture lies the proud announcement of L'OCCITANE Group's certification as a B Corporation™. This prestigious recognition underscores the brand's unwavering commitment to the Planet and People, emphasizing initiatives such as waste reduction and the preservation of biodiversity. The certification sets the stage for an immersive experience that aligns with the principles of sustainability.

沉浸在L'OCCITANE的法國瓦朗索勒的杏仁森林光影之中 今次的酒店概念通過如身歷其境的投影將客人帶入一個迷人的杏仁森林,展示風景如畫的瓦朗索勒。那裡正是L'OCCITANE為其最暢銷的身體護理系列種植杏仁的地方,參與者更可以親手栽種專屬的虛擬杏仁樹。


Whimsical Journey in L'OCCITANE's Almond Forest

The Hotel concept introduces guests to an enchanting Almond Forest through immersive projections, showcasing the picturesque Valensole, where L'OCCITANE cultivates Almonds for its best-selling body care range. This visually stunning and interactive experience allows visitors to "digitally plant" and name Almond trees, offering a glimpse into L'OCCITANE's commitment to replanting, with over 18,000 trees restored since 2002. The journey continues into the connected Almond SPA, where the surreal sight of L'OCCITANE's iconic yellow gift boxes floating in mid-air sets the stage for a personalized encounter with the brand's Almond best sellers.

Source: L'Occitane Hotel

在5 Essential Oils Bar享受個性化的奢華:

在L'OCCITANE HOTEL的中心是5 Essential Oils Bar。在這裡,你有機會品嚐 Essence of Provence 特調飲品,其清新的薰衣草和檸檬香味完美帶給你南法的風情。在享用飲品的同時,你也可以接受品牌專業的頭皮分折服務,從而更深入地了解你的頭髮和頭皮的需要,並選擇最適合你的護髮產品。致力於減少環境污染,因此 L'OCCITANE決不使用一次性的塑膠杯,而是使用ch00ze.club提供的可重用杯子。即使是一個杯子,只要大家做出正確的選擇,也能為保護地球做出貢獻。

5 Essential Oils Bar 牆面展示了草本療法護髮系列的全套產品,而這些產品的瓶身都是由100%的再生塑膠製成,並可以進行回收再利用。

Personalized Luxury at the 5 Essential Oils Bar:

At the heart of L'OCCITANE HOTEL lies the 5 Essential Oils Bar, a haven where guests immerse themselves in the brand's hair care range. Here, a "hair care mixologist" crafts bespoke consultations, surrounded by the iconic Aromachologie products adorning the feature wall, symbolizing the brand's dedication to recycled plastic. As visitors savor the Essence of Provence mocktail, a unique blend of customized hair care products is unveiled, showcasing L'OCCITANE's commitment to reducing single-use waste through conscious choices, exemplified by the borrow-and-return service for reusable cups provided by

Source: L'Occitane Hotel


試想像置身法國科西嘉島的蠟菊客房中,在床上擁抱著永不凋謝的蠟菊花,窗外是一望無際的黃色花海, 再由專人為你將蠟菊的神奇故事娓娓道來, 同時亦可以親身感受蠟菊煥活系列的護膚功效。 這是既高雅又令人心曠神怡的體驗。

Bask in Timeless Beauty at the Immortelle Suite:

Step into the Immortelle Suite, a tranquil haven reminiscent of Corsica, France. With panoramic views of endless fields of immortelle flowers, guests are invited to capture picture-perfect moments, immersing themselves in the everlasting beauty of nature. Accompanied by dedicated staff narrating the enchanting tale of immortelle, visitors also indulge in the rejuvenating skincare benefits of L'OCCITANE's Immortelle Revitalizing Series, creating a luxurious and revitalizing experience.

Source: L'occatine Hotel

Source: L'Occitane Hotel

預約參加太古廣場的 L‘OCCITANE #MEGA環保概念店內舉行的升級再造環保手作坊,可體驗將 L‘OCCITANE 回收的美容膠瓶塑料製作成飾物,又或環保鎖匙扣DIY工作坊,以及馬鞭草擴香石工作坊,鼓勵實踐減廢減碳的生活。

Innovative ECO Workshops:

For those with reservations, L'OCCITANE offers a unique opportunity to participate in innovative ECO workshops. These include crafting upcycled accessories made from recycled plastic bottles sourced from L'OCCITANE, a DIY Keychain ECO Workshop, and an Aroma Diffuser Workshop at the L'OCCITANE #MEGA concept store. These workshops extend the celebration of sustainable beauty, allowing participants to engage hands-on with eco-friendly practices.

L’OCCITANE一直致力實踐品牌承諾。自1976年在普羅旺斯蒸餾出第一瓶精華油以來,品牌理念始終如一 。 至2023 年 , The L’OCCITANE Group獲得B CorpTM共益企業認證, 並朝以下各方面持續努力,重視社會大眾和大自然,堅定不移地致力保護地球的珍貴資源,並尊重對待社會各階層人士。

品牌承諾在2025年底前達至3x100%的環保產品塑膠瓶,將由100%再生塑膠製成致力減廢,並在全球 100%分店提供回收服務。現時, L'OCCITANE已超額完成2016年設下的生物多樣性目標,期望於2025年底前保護高達1,000個植物品種。

支持女性自主:目標於2025年底前,為布基納法逾60,000 名婦女提供社會經濟發展支援。

關注眼疾:目標為1,500萬有需要人士盡快提供眼科護理服 務。並承諾竭盡所能為社會持續提供相Since distilling its first essential oil in Provence in 1976, L'OCCITANE has remained true to its brand promise. Now, as a proud B Corp™, the L'OCCITANE GROUP is amplifying its commitment to sustainability with a bold vision for 2025. The brand is dedicated to achieving 3x100%, ensuring that all plastic bottles are made from 100% recycled plastic, and all global stores offer recycling services. In surpassing its 2016 biodiversity commitment, L'OCCITANE is now aiming to preserve an even higher number of botanical species by the end of 2025. The commitment extends beyond the environment to social impact, with a goal to provide socio-economic development support to over 60,000 women in Burkina Faso by 2025. Furthermore, L'OCCITANE aims to offer ophthalmic care to 15 million people in need, reinforcing its dedication to making a positive impact on society. The brand's unwavering commitment to sustainability reflects its holistic approach to beauty and care for the planet and its people.


地址:香港金鐘太古廣場L1 100A號舖





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